Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Why March in Chicago Sucks

Last night when I was leaving work I noticed a few flakes falling, but I didn't think much of it because it was 6 p.m., dark, and it was barely even a dusting of snow. But I woke up this morning, and there was snow accumulation on the ground (sure it was less than 1/16 inch, but it still turned the ground white). I know March is supposed to come in like a lion and out like a lamb... but seriously, it's March 16, shouldn't the damn lion start giving the lamb some room. Two weekends ago (or maybe it was three), it got up to 60 here... 60 with sun and it was marvelous. Now it's fricken cold again (not as fricken cold as it was in January waiting for the bus, but still fricken cold). I wish the weather would quit teasing us.

I finished up a draft of the infringement search report for Boss to review. Hopefully he is reviewing it right now, but I am not optimistic that I will get any feedback until tomorrow. Normally this would be fine with me, because I usually have some more work in the queue, but now I am just sitting around (and now sitting around and blogging).

What I should do is do some more prep work. Right now I'm reading up on Torts (or at least I was). I know law school is almost 6 months away, but I know if I don't, someone else will, and even if the don't, I'd rather have more free time at school rather than less. But lately, instead of reading and working a few examples, I've been reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (same guy who did The DaVinci Code). It's a mystery/suspense popcorn novel that hopefully I'll finish soon so I can get back on track. I don't feel too bad about it because I hadn't read a novel in about a month and a half because I was reading stuff about law school and then prepping (I used to read about 1 novel a week, sometimes more). Maybe I will do a little prep work so I can feel like less of a procrastinator... I hate doing personal stuff at work for more than a few minutes though. Oh well.


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