Thursday, April 15, 2004

Working While In Law School, Law Review, etc.

I had a nice long chat with my boss Monday about working while in law school and law review, among other things. He suggested that working part time, even during the first year, might not be such a bad thing because it would keep me working in the law as it is currently practiced, instead of just the theoretical study associated with law school (especially during first year)... that, and he felt it was a lot easier for a 1L to get a job during the year than for the summer after first year. He also offered to write introduction letters to people he knows in several of the firms up in Minneapolis (which is very, very nice of him). I still don't know what to think about the working part time thing. All I've heard is "You shouldn't work during first year," "Law school is such a different environment, you should use the first year to get acclimated," etc. The problem is, most of this advice is being given by people assuming that they are talking to someone coming straight out of undergrad who has no experienced with a real work load. I have... I just don't know how comparable the work load in my law firm is to the work load in law school. Does anyone have a thoughts?

I also couldn't resist a brief discussion about something President Bush said during his press conference on Tuesday. He said "I didn't see -- I mean, I didn't have that great sense of outrage that I felt on September the 11th. I was -- on that day, I was angry and sad. Angry that al-Qaida -- I thought at the time al-Qaida, found out shortly thereafter it was al-Qaida -- had unleashed this attack." (emphasis added by me) (Quote from the text of the press conference printed in the Washington Post). The reason it drew my attention is because the position the Bush administration has been taking is that the White House had no way of knowing the al Qaida was going to strike inside the U.S. (although this argument has obviously been eroded over the past week due to Condoleeza Rice's testimony and the release of the August 6, 2001 "Presidential Daily Briefing", (from However, in this quote, the President has admitted that on Sept. 11, 2001, after the attacks, he was mad at al-Qaida specifically. Either Bush was psychic and just happened to be mad at the same people who he ultimately found out were responsible for the attacks OR the information the White House had before 9/11 pointed to al Qaida so strongly that Bush was sure they did it as soon as it happened, hence his anger. I think it's funny, because it looks like Bush realized he was making a mistake and caught himself in midquote (he paused and said "I thought at the time al-Qaida, found out shortly thereafter it was al-Qaida") so as to try and make it sound more like a "gut feel." Maybe I'm reading into it too much, and more than likely nothing will come of it, but I thought it was funny that the President of the United States was not better prepared.


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