Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Damn Baseball

I was good about studying during the baseball playoffs until last night (except for the Twins playoff games, but, thanks to the Yankees, there weren't very many of those). I broke down and watched Game 6 of the Red Sox-Yankees series last night instead of studying (at least Boston won, so it wasn't a wasted effort, or rather lack-of-effort). I'm glad I watched the game, because it was fun to see A-Rod get caught for being a dirty cheater, but now I have to pay because I have Contracts and Torts to finish (granted, I am mostly done, but I hate being swamped and rushed in between classes).

Random thoughts and occurrences from the game last night:
- My wife and I are immature. In the eight inning, with the Yankees behind 4 to 2, they flashed up a stat of how many "come-from-behind" wins the Yankees have had in the playoffs. She laughed... then I laughed, for about a minute. Yeah, we are in junior high.
- The guy in charge of music at Yankee stadium missed a golden opportunity when the police in riot gear started filing out onto the field1... if ever a situation called for The Imperial March from Star Wars, this was the situation.
- Why does Boston's Bronson Arroyo have corn rows? Doesn't he know that doesn't even look good on black guys... let alone on a white guy?
- Best sign in the crowd - "Deposit Schilling Here" sign in the outfield seats (referring to Boston pitcher Curt Schilling)
- Stupidest thing in the crowd (other than the throngs of Yankee fans) was the guy who dressed up like the ghost of Babe Ruth by putting on a white sheet and writing "Ruth" on the back (in his own childish scrawl)

So that is what I did instead of learning about "agreeing to agree."

1Many Yankee fans were dissatisfied with the umpires... even though the umps pretty much made all the calls right... so the fans started throwing s**t onto the field. You know, baseballs, garbage, crack pipes and used heroin needles.


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