Tuesday, April 27, 2004

No cavities!

I had a dentist appointment this morning, and it went well (see post title). I also had a really productive day of work yesterday, so my docket is a little lighter... although I need to keep it up for the rest of today and get some stuff out of here.

I finally got a packet from Minnesota acknowledging my seat deposit, plus a whole bunch of other information... including a free T-shirt! I know it cost them about $2, and I'm shelling out several dozens of thousands of dollars to go there, but it's still nice to get a free T-shirt. How do you think credit card companies get so many people to sign up?

Anyway, so I get to spend the next month or so filling out forms and signing up for an e-mail address and getting a physical (Hooray [sarcasm]), and all the other wonderful tasks associated with the few months before starting at a new school.

In house hunting news, I called a mortgage lender in Minnesota today to set up a meeting about getting pre-approved for a mortgage, and he faxed me a whole bunch of forms for the pre-approval. Yea, more paperwork to fill out! Exciting shit!


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