Thursday, May 20, 2004

Can't Focus...

Returning to the recurring theme here on the soap opera my life has become1, I have been unable to focus on my work today. I've had a pretty good week, actually, but for some reason today I am completely consumed by thinking about Wife and my future housing purchase. Wife is still back in Minnesota checking out townhomes and dealing with the mortgage lady2 figuring out how much our life is going to suck (financially) over the next three years.

So I just finished spending about 30 minutes scrolling through townhome listings in the suburbs we are looking in, when I really didn't need to... because Wife is on top of things. Why oh why can't I focus?

In work related news, right now we are working on a patent for a horse racing sulky (the cart a driver sits on that is pulled by the horse), which is actually pretty interesting. Last night my boss and I went down to the track where our client races his sulkies with the horses he trains... and to check out some competitors sulkies to see if they are infringing our client's patent. It was a different world. While our client was getting ready to drive in one of the races, a man I can only describe as a professional horse race gambler starting talking to us and he was pretty interesting.

One thing that is different about sulky racing is that the horse start at a run, so the starting "gate" is actually connected to a moving car (at this track it is a modified limousine) that drives along with the horses to make sure none of the drivers are cheating. Our client pulled some strings, and my boss and I actually got to sit in the car during one of the races, so I actually got to see the horses up close, while they were racing. I'm not really big into horse racing, or gambling, but it was still cool to be riding alongside these race horses, during the race. It was almost like being in the race yourself. Really cool.

Anyway, I have to get back to not working... maybe I can get into a groove and actually crank some work out. Doubtful... but maybe.

1"The Unreasonable Man: As the Blog Turns" or "Like Blogs through the internet... these are the rants of the Unreasonable Man
2That's her Official Title, "The Mortgage Lady"


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